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I design brands and websites for female-led creative businesses.
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If you’re reading this, then I assume you’re having some trouble coming up with a brand vision and communicating that to your brand designer. Firstly, relax – the designer has GOT YOU in their hands. They’re a professional, leave your worries behind.

The first thing you need to do is trust them. If you’ve looked at their work, liked their style, and communicated with them previously (and feel a good vibe!!) then there’s nothing to be concerned about. I suggest (if they don’t offer it first) to book a consultation call. This at least gives you an introduction into how you would work together.

But listen, I know exactly how it feels to not understand a design process and/or how to put what I envision for my brand on paper and communicate that to my brand designer. I spent the better part of 6 months trying to design my own logo…only for me to change it about a dozen other times.

Investing in a brand designer is one of the best investments you can make for your business.

SO – I bet you’re asking:

How can I clearly and tangibly communicate my style to my designer?

  • Fill out their client questionnaire to the best of your ability. Give them details, emotion, and every spitting fact about your business. I promise they want to know everything.
  • Have a few brands in mind that you like and don’t like. If you give your designer a few names, they can take a look at those and get an idea of what you like, even if you don’t have the ‘design’ terms to communicate it.
    • In my Creative Brief Questionnaire, I have a section for my clients to put down brands they’re inspired by and that their ideal client would be attracted to. This is SO helpful in determining what other brands I need to research. BUT – inspiration is
  • Share ideas with your designer via a Pinterest board, but don’t be put off if your Pinterest board doesn’t match the mood board they create for you. Just like giving them a few brand names you like/don’t like, this will help them get a better feel of what you’re looking for without copying it.
  • Trust them, but also trust yourself! You can get a good feel for a person by their website, their Instagram, and by chatting with them on the phone. I always like to do a phone consultation before booking for this reason. This ensures that we both connect with each other and understand what’s
  • In the end, communication is key (to all of life really)! Don’t book them and expect them to know exactly what you want – communicate your expectations and vision (and don’t be afraid if that vision changes throughout the design process).

I hope these tips come in handy to anyone looking for a professional brand designer. You are so worth a great design experience that enhances your business and brand. I hope you find exactly what/who you’re looking for!

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your brand designer

HI! I'm

Creator with a sweet tooth and a lot of sweaters, based in VIRGINIA

I live in the South but am what seems-to-be ALWAYS chilly. I'm the youngest of three girls and have self-declared that I'm the ~funniest~ out of all three (but my sisters are like way smarter and cooler, it's fine I'm fine). 

I worked in the corporate Marketing world for a few years and got really sick of the 9-5, so I up n' quit without much of a plan. And now? I get to create brands for some pretty awesome business owners.

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