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I design brands and websites for female-led creative businesses.
Hi, I'm Andrea!

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Front Porch Moments: A Series of Not-So-Business Stories

WELCOME to the first blog in the series called Front Porch Moments. The goal of this series is to outline the personal, not-so-business (but all things Andrea) details of life. The socially-distanced person wants you to feel like you’re on my front porch just hanging out (with coffee and/or craft beer, depending on the time of day)

I officially began Press and Palm over the COVID-19 Pandemic in March.

However, it wasn’t just an idea that came to me then and there. I remember waaayyyy back in late 2018 I was talking with my best friend at a coffee shop in my PA hometown and said, “I think I want to combine my wedding photography business and a design business”.

And she said? “UM. ABSOLUTELY.” It was in that same coffee shop that I showed her the wedding invitations I designed for my older sister’s wedding and my new wedding photography website that was launching (a biiiig ooof to those invites. Sorry Abigail.)

Those are some of my favorite memories from our friendship (that has been flourishing since preschool!)

Instead of combining Andrea Cable Photography with design, changing the branding and name to reflect 2 different businesses and 2 different goals, I decided to create an entirely separate business: hereby announcing the creation of Press & Palm.

I was scared to begin designing. Truly, terrified. I loved (and still love) running my wedding photography business. Would 2 businesses and a full-time job be too much? (answer: occasionally, but it keeps life interesting).

Fall/Winter of 2019, when we could still hug and shake hands, I purchased the Bucketlist Bombshells Design Skills Course that went on sale. Instantly, I was filled with regret and terror and fear. (You can read my review of the course here as well!)

Did I just waste that much money? (funny how I never get those thoughts about Chipotle though)

It turned out to be the swift kick-in-the-rear I needed to begin my design business. I went through the modules, did the Design Project Boot Camp, and created a portfolio for myself that attracts clients. I still look back on some lessons when I need inspiration or to remind myself of a tool I could use! It was extremely beneficial for my business and I am truly grateful for the experiences it has brought me.

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your brand designer

HI! I'm

Creator with a sweet tooth and a lot of sweaters, based in VIRGINIA

I live in the South but am what seems-to-be ALWAYS chilly. I'm the youngest of three girls and have self-declared that I'm the ~funniest~ out of all three (but my sisters are like way smarter and cooler, it's fine I'm fine). 

I worked in the corporate Marketing world for a few years and got really sick of the 9-5, so I up n' quit without much of a plan. And now? I get to create brands for some pretty awesome business owners.

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