not converting customers? audit your brand in just 4 easy steps!
There comes a time in a graphic designers life when there are SO many thoughts going around. We’re business owners, creatives, human resource managers, accountants, and the backbone of our businesses.
Although you’re probably new to working with us, we want you to know the following things (just in case you’re like me and worry that service providers require certain things when working together).
Seriously, I think I can speak for all designers when I say we’re just SO excited that you’re trusting us with such a large decision! We take our jobs very seriously, and we know that this investment is not only financial, but a time investment as well. We don’t work with just anyone – we all have our niche audiences, and (speaking for myself here), personally screen all of my client consultations to make sure we’re a good fit together. THANK YOU for choosing us to transform your business!
I always ask my clients to give feedback a certain way. I have a set of Do’s and Don’ts for giving feedback that include the following (legit these are the exact instructions I send to my clients!)
Effective feedback – DO
Not so effective feedback – DON’T
Going along the same lines as #2, we could not do this job without you. You have specific needs and a specific audience, and you TRULY make our job more unique. I LOVE getting to serve my audience because they come in with different requests, strengths, and overall personalities that are so different from the previous client. And who said being different was wrong?
When a design becomes “too much” without being strategically thought out, it can become overwhelming for your audience and, instead of attracting a specific niched audience, attracts nobody. And we don’t want that for you.Trust that our minimalism is more strategic. Less fluff = more strategic in most circumstances.
Have you ever gone out to get ingredients for a recipe only to realize while you’re making the meal that you’ve forgotten one of them? Hard to deal with, right? The same goes with graphic design.
It’s SO MUCH easier to produce good, professional, intentional work when all of the content is available from the beginning–so a good rule of thumb is to make sure you have most/all of your copy and photos ready before you start working with a designer. If a designer creates a design first and tries to plug your content in later it may not mesh well and that can mean a lengthy and possibly frustrating process for both parties.
Prepare yourself with as much information up front as possible. Your designer needs all of the content that’s going into your website –it also helps to have as much background information (and inspiration) for the project as you can provide as well! This brings us to the Pinterest board.
I can’t for everyone in the graphic design industry, but I am a firm believer in transparency and vulnerability when working with my clients. I believe having these two things as focus makes for the best (and most professional) process while working together!
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